Digital Cultural Ambassador

This training is a continuation of CATLID project, during which we have realized how beneficial it would be for our target group to also develop skills about digital tools.
So we decided to adapt the CATLID training framework to the digital environment.

Training Modules

Module 1: Introduction: What is a Community Educator? Competences, Tasks. Introduction to Community education work and loneliness.

This module has the function to introduce the participants to the course content covered in the following 4 modules and to define the role of theCommunity Educator.In the first part the main emphasis lies on the definition of what is a community and what is Community Education work in general.Secondly, it explains the role and function of a Community Educator and the required skills and competences necessary to interact in this role.One activity covers the personal motivation of the participants. The argument of loneliness and possible strategies to overcome are also part of this module

Module 2: Introduction to Culture and Cultural Sharing. How to digitally share my culture

This module will explore how to identify culture, how to write a script for a video introducing my culture and how to produce good quality audio-recording products. Furthermore, it explores the skill set of each learner within the framework of the personal cultural map. Opportunities for building confidence will be embedded throughout the module.

In this module, high emphasis is set on introducing the theoretical basis of culture and connecting it to techniques for overcoming loneliness. It will provide an in-depth discussion on existing definitions of culture. The term will then be broken down and theorized as external culture and internal culture. Lastly, we will briefly touch on intercultural communication and its relevance to loneliness. Participants will be asked to produce a script based on their personal experiences and those scripts and audio materials will be used later to create the cultural video for the platform.

A background on external and internal objective aspects of a culture can foster greater understanding and allow for fewer misunderstandings in cross-cultural encounters. The knowledge discussed in this part of the theory part will then be transferred into practical activities in the second part.

Module 3: How to digitally present my culture

Culture is today a fundamental component in the quality of life of people, as well as an opportunity for development in social and economic terms. “Culture can be considered as the set of distinctive spiritual and material, intellectual and emotional features that characterize a society or social group. This includes, in addition to arts and letters, lifestyles, fundamental rights, value systems, traditions and beliefs. Strengthening culture is the only way to participate from our own identity in the globalized world. Developing culture means giving people the tools to strengthen their values, understand the world they live in, take it on board and participate in changes.

The content of this module is How to digitally present my culture. We will learn how to formulate an interactive, digital presentation, determine what we are going to do and how we are going to do it.

Module 4: Presentation Skills to Engage an Audience

By this module we would like to teach participants giving inspiring and engaging presentations starting from the self-assessment, through planning and preparation, engaging the audience, handling stress and using visual aids. Some theory and techniques will be presented but the idea is to make it as much interactive as possible offering participants the opportunity to put the skills into practice (also by giving and receiving feedback from the peers). By providing participants with the basic knowledge on presentation techniques we would like to improve their confidence, which will later help them to easier connect with the local communities. By this module we would also like to make the participants familiar with the concept of “Knowledge Parties”.

Module 5: Next Steps as Community Educator

Being a Community Educator means that you are someone who wants to share your knowledge, experience and culture with communities, companies and public sector. You can be anyone from any country, with any background who feels that you want to contribute to a better understanding of the benefits of diversity and as a part of that especially create awareness about the loneliness among many migrants/refugees that in many cases can be easy to prevent.

During the other four modules we have given you the tools to learn about how to approach, share and present. While in this module we want to give you the basic knowledge on how you are going to be using these skills to actually be able to charge for what you’re contributing too.

The material and lectures will help boost your skills so that when reaching out to businesses, public sector or NGOs you know how to sell your services, how to pitch it and what to charge for it.

You will be introduced to the theoretical knowledge about the business models and methods that we have chosen and practically how to use them. Always in relation to the topic of cultural awareness and support people facing loneliness