
Community Action Dacorum
United Kingdom
Dacorum CVS (working name Community Action Dacorum) is an NGO based in Hemel Hempstead, UK which delivers a range of services to meet the needs of local community groups and individuals.
These include:
Support 4 Dacorum: Manages volunteers and supports community groups to develop their expertise and knowledge through a range of practical services: training, payroll service, printing, minibus hire, governance and fundraising advice
Creative Learning: adult learning provision: delivering a range of work and leisure related courses, including English for speakers of other Languages (ESOL), language interpreter training, confidence building for employment, exercise classes, arts and crafts courses
Mobility Services: Shopmobility for the hire of scooters for individuals with mobility difficulties to access the town centre. Community Transport for shopping trips and day outings for older people, including a volunteer car scheme
Connect Dacorum: a corporate social responsibility project aimed at linking businesses into the community where they are located
Herts Interpreting and Translation Service: to enable members of the public to overcome language barriers to access public services
Radio Dacorum: A community-run internet radio station
The Repair Shed: An environmental social enterprise for men over 50 that is financially self-sustaining by making, mending and selling products. It provides a supportive environment in which older men and women who are practically-minded and want to make things, can do repairs, share skills and learn new ones.
Building Better Opportunities: A partnership project designed to tackle poverty, unemployment, homelessness, mental health and addiction
The activities at a local level provide the expertise to engage in a range of European transnational projects, funded through Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens, European Social Fund, Lifelong Learning Programme and Youth in Action. We are accredited for EVS as a host and sending organisation, and have been active in the field of senior volunteering. We have experience as a lead partner on large-scale projects around language interpreting and migration, as well as being a partner in projects supporting young people, adults and people with disabilities into employment and the innovative use of technology to support language learning.

Leno is a French training organization specialized in distance learning for both jobseekers and employees. Our pedagogical team has developed since 2007, 5 major fields of trainings: 1/ eco-Leno: Construction, Ecological construction, Renewable Energies 2/ Leno IT: CAD software, 3/ Leno Activ’: Management, Sales and Communication 4/ Leno EU: EU project development and management 5/ Leno Fwd: E and distance learning solutions.
Leno trains more than 200 jobseekers per year using both face to face and distance learning. Each year between 65 to 75% of them are getting back to work 3 to 6 months after the training.
Leno is also offering consulting services for training organizations and companies regarding the implementation of E-learning or distance learning solutions including learning management systems, pedagogical contents solutions or the development of distance learning courses. We collaborated through the year with construction apprentices schools, the Region Occitanie and various companies to the implementation of distance learning trainings within their own organizations.
At national level, Leno has developed different kind of methods, assessment process, interactive tools in order to facilitate the apprentice process of our students. Also, we have done an Erasmus+ project with migrants, in which we have created a language and workplace skills training. Leno has also a significant experience in coordinating and participating to EU projects. In the last 12 years, Leno coordinated 3 EU projects and participates as a partner to 13 EU projects (LdV, Grundtvig and Erasmus+). All those projects were focusing on employment or implementing innovative learning solutions mostly involving distance learning.
Leno established through the years very strong, innovative and professional partnerships with other training organizations and schools through EU.

CSES – Center för Socialt Entreprenörskap Sverige is a knowledge, educational and counselling organisation primarily supporting social innovation and entrepreneurship through participation and knowledge exchange at EU level.
CSES was first founded as a project (funded by the European Social Fund) and part of Stockholm University in year 2011. Mid 2014 CSES became a free-standing national NGO, targeting all of Sweden.
CSES supports social entrepreneurship in Sweden and Europe through development of tools and methods that coach, support and promote entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and innovation.
CSES is also active within the field of diversity and inclusion, exchange of knowledge and best practices. CSES has put efforts into developing tools and solutions to support inclusion and diversity in an entrepreneurial environment.
Between 2011 and 2017, CSES also run an incubator for social entrepreneurs focusing on start-ups and early-stage entrepreneurs developing socially, ecologically and economically sustainable ideas.

Orange Hill
Orange Hill (OH) is a micro enterprise, founded in January of 2008. Operates in the market of education and employees’ development. The activity mainly refers to services for companies (which are the main group of clients).
The activity and structure of the company is divided into 3 domains:
- elaboration and implementation of HRM tools and methodologies,
- trainings and consulting – soft skills and diversity and inclusion
- designing, realization and management of innovative projects focused on development of organization and staff, OH prepares, implements and manages systems for organization and employees development like e.g. competency-based systems of personnel development, diagnosis of organizational culture, employee satisfaction, training needs and efficiency assessment. In this areas OH, in cooperation with academic environment develops own innovative e-tools tailored to business environment.
In 2014 Orange Hill was certified under Certificate of Quality of Educational and Training Services. Currently OH is exploring new area in training: diversity and cultural competencies, learning through art and culture and slow management. In area of project implementation and management OH has built its experience from several years, conducting (as leader, partner or subcontractor) training and advisory projects or running its own development and innovative projects in area of human resources.
OH is finalist of the competition „Businesswoman of the Year 2013” in the category of My Company and was awarded for an idea, innovation, vision and growth prospects.
OH constantly cooperates with NGOs (e.g: Youth Forum Lewiatan, Foundation Diversity Hub, Zona Art Foundation) and universities (e.g. Poznan and Krakow Universities of Economics, Jagiellonian University, WSE). OH is also a signatory of the Diversity Charter.

Growth Coop
GrowthCoop is a recent organization but its members have a long experience in European Projects. The legal form of this organization is a Cooperative and the legal status is a non-profit organization. We are a training provider, offering a range of management training courses.
GROWTH is an organization that design and deliver quality training solutions to enhance team potential and develop new skills. Our qualified training consultant’s team has passion and experience, ensuring a stimulating and engaging learning environment for our corporate training. The members of this organization are highly qualified professionals with a large experience in different professional sectors with a great experience in the field of counselling, training in competences and skills as well as in offering consulting services.
Our passion is developing people skills and competences; we do really believe that the base of the development of our society is the development of people and companies.
We work with people from different economic sectors and backgrounds promoting social inclusion. Promoting values like social entrepreneurship, inter-culturally, sustainability, environment protection, circular economy, and other will make a better life for our future generations.
Our main objective is to bring new ideas with a high significant impact in organizations and therefore having a great impact in our society. We look for new solutions focused on people. We work with people in the organizations to solve complex problems in different areas with a multidisciplinary team and wide network of participants, with the principles of collaborative economy.

Die Berater Unternehmensberatungs GMBH
“die Berater” Unternehmensberatungs GmbH focuses on adult education vocational training and human resources development. Founded in 1998 by Martin Röhsner, die Berater® now employs 350 people in over 40 locations throughout Austria, with additional centres in Slovakia, Slovenia, and Bulgaria.
Our services are aimed at private individuals, national and international companies and organisations in all sectors and of any size, as well as the public sector. die Berater’s main fields of activities are: Adult education, Outplacement and EU Projects and project consultancy. The main aims are to motivate and qualify people to make full use of their potentials in the economy, at the labour market and in their personal lives.

Diversity Hub (associated partner)
Diversity and Inclusion is our specialization. We deliver knowledge, experience and best practices and help business benefit from diversity and in the same time have an impact on social change.
We promote and disseminate the idea of managing diversity in business and create own, innovative solutions aimed to improve effective implementation of diversity management in organizations in its main dimensions such as: age, gender, (dis)abilities, intercultural differences, etc. We also deal with many other important topics related to, for example, work-life balance, health, including mental health, and finally employee rights (mobbing at work).
We integrate the community of experts around diversity, seeking for practical and effective solutions in this area and developing practices that proved to be successful. We continue a debate on topics related to diversity involving diverse environments: scientists and practitioners – representatives of business and business environment institutions, public institutions and the media. This way we combine different approaches to the subject, sometimes divergent but always inspiring.
In Diversity Hub we work on projects concerning Diversity and Inclusion, we solve particular problems of employers in area of D&I and we carry out research aimed at providing the most accurate data and increasing knowledge in various fields of diversity management.